How often do you do something just for you? If you are like most women I know, the answer is probably ‘not very often’.  Life gets busy and it is easy to prioritise the needs of others above your own. But what if I told you that you can make a list just for yourself, filled with simple bucket list ideas that bring joy and satisfaction to your everyday life?

Imagine a bucket list filled, not with grand adventures like hot air balloon rides or walking the Great Wall of China but, with simple, delightful activities that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine. Picture making a list of all the small yet meaningful things that you have always wanted to do for yourself. Well, it is time to turn those dreams into reality!

In this blog post, we will explore 100 simple bucket list ideas tailored for your everyday life. The list is divided into 10 main categories, each offering 10 simple ideas that range from self-care practices to creative pursuits. These suggestions are not only achievable but also free or require little money / minimal investment. The goal is to encourage you to make the most of your time, finding joy in the smaller moments that often get overlooked.

While the grand items on traditional bucket lists are undoubtedly exciting, they may not be feasible on a daily basis. That is where these simple bucket list ideas come in as they are designed to fit seamlessly into your day-to-day routine, making ordinary moments extraordinary!

So, the next time you find yourself bored or yearning for a break from the Groundhog Day routine, consult your personal bucket list. Pick one of these fun and simple activities to inject a dose of excitement and novelty into your life. It is time to prioritise yourself and make each day a celebration of the little things that make life truly special. Read on for inspiration and start creating your own list today!

100 Simple Bucket List Ideas for Everyday Life

Simple Bucket List Ideas for Foodies

As a self-proclaimed food enthusiast, my simple bucket list is filled with culinary adventures that celebrate the joy of cooking and savouring delightful dishes.  So, this is a great place to start.

Since we find ourselves in the kitchen every day anyway, why not elevate the experience with new recipes and ingredients, turning your routine into a gastronomic exploration?

1 Make homemade pasta 

A great way to explore the world of pasta-making is to just have a go at crafting your own from scratch. Over time, you could experiment with different shapes and flavours to enhance your skills.

2 Bake a loaf of bread

I find baking a fresh loaf of bread to be such a therapeutic and satisfying thing to do.  The aroma of baking bread wafting through your home is an added bonus!  Once you have a basic loaf mastered, try experimenting with various types of flour or additions to customise your bread. You could also have a go at focaccia flower art which is great fun, especially with children.

3 Make sourdough

This is something that I challenged myself to try this year.  It is such an intricate process that requires patience but the results are well worth the effort!  You’ll probably have a lot of questions like: ‘Can my sourdough starter go bad?’ or ‘How Long Does a Sourdough Starter Last?’ and there are so many communities that you can join to get the answers.

4 Make ice cream

Making my own ice cream is something that I would love to try.  Just think of all those delicious flavours you could make once you have mastered the basic recipe.  You could experiment with everything from classic vanilla to exotic combinations that are hard to come by.

5 Make popcorn from scratch

This is something that I do with my children.  It is a great way to elevate your movie nights and you can try different seasonings to find your favourite.  You could even package your custom popcorn blends as unique gifts to share the joy of your homemade treats with others.

6 Bake an extravagant cake

Here, you will need to channel your inner pastry chef to bake an extravagant cake. Let your creativity run wild with decadent layers, unique decorations and unexpected flavour combinations.  Share your cake-making journey on social media to inspire others to embrace baking and kerp a record of your growing skills.

7 Make lemonade

A glass of homemade lemonade in summer is such a treat!  Try infusing it with fresh herbs or fruit for a yummy twist.  Then enjoy your creation in a beautiful outdoor setting.  It might even be nice to set up a lemonade stand to raise money for a good cause.

8 Make homemade jam / marmalade

I love to preserve the flavours of the season by making my own jam or marmalade. You could experiment with unique fruit combinations and spices to create the perfect spread for you.  It would also make a thoughtful gift, providing family and friends with some of that homemade goodness.

9 Make honeycomb

Explore the science of confectionery-making by creating honeycomb.  The transformation of the simple ingredients into a delicious, sweet, crunchy delight is quite a sight to see.  You could eat it as it is, cover it in dark chocolate or crumble it onto the ice cream you made above.

10 Try a new recipe

Go on a foody adventure by trying a completely new recipe. Whether it is a dish from a different culture or a trendy viral recipe, it is sure to broaden your culinary horizons.  You may even find a good dish to add to your repertoire and make your weekly meal planning easier.


Food platter showing trying a new recipe

Self-Care Bucket List Items

It is so easy to let self-care take a backseat in the busyness of daily life. If you find yourself consistently neglecting your well-being, though, consider these simple yet impactful ideas to add to your bucket list…

11 Try a new hairstyle

How about giving your self-esteem a boost by experimenting with a new hairstyle? Whether you choose to go for a bold colour change, a fresh cut or just try out a new styling technique, the transformation can be empowering!

12 Do a fitness challenge

Inject some excitement into your fitness routine by taking part in a challenge. You could try a 30-day yoga challenge or a daily step count goal.  Whatever you choose, a challenge will provide a sense of accomplishment and improved physical well-being.  You could even ask your friends to join in with the challenge and support each other for accountability.

13 Start a gratitude journal

Take a few moments each day to reflect on the things that you are grateful for to cultivate a positive mindset.  Then, periodically look back at your gratitude entries, especially during challenging times, for a perspective boost.  By reminding yourself of the positive aspects in your life you will reinforce a resilient mindset.

14 Invite a close friend over for the day

Prioritise your social connections by inviting a close friend over for a day of relaxation and camaraderie. Shared laughter and meaningful conversations will contribute positively to your emotional well-being.  Perhaps you could do an activity like cooking a meal together, trying a new hobby or having a self-care night.

15 Make a meal plan to make your healthy living aspirations a reality

Focus on your commitment to healthy living by creating a meal plan. You will find that planning nutritious meals in advance saves so much time and reduces the dinner time stress of wondering what to cook!  Try experimenting with different recipes so that your meal plan is not only healthy, but also exciting and satisfying too.

16 Relax in a self care bath

Carve out dedicated time for self-care by indulging in a relaxing self-care bath. You can enhance the experience with soothing scents, candles or your favourite music. This adds a touch of mindfulness into your bath routine by allowing you to focus on the sensory elements.  Let the warmth and tranquility wash away your stresses and restore a sense of balance.

17 Enjoy watching a box set all afternoon

Gift yourself some guilt-free downtime by immersing yourself in a box set. An afternoon dedicated to entertainment allows for mental relaxation and a break from your daily responsibilities. I recommend choosing a series that brings you happiness or laughter as it will give you an escape that recharges your energy.

18 Treat yourself to breakfast in bed

Elevate your morning by treating yourself to breakfast in bed!  Whether it is a simple indulgence or a more elaborate spread, this small gesture will set a positive tone for the rest of the day.  You could also combine this treat with a good book or your favourite podcast.  It will turn the experience into a moment of self-indulgence before the demands of the day kick in!

19 Develop a morning routine

Establish a morning routine that sets a positive tone for the day ahead. Think about incorporating activities that align with your personal goals, such as mindfulness exercises, stretching or simply making time for a nutritious breakfast.  Introduce these small rituals into your routine gradually to create a sense of structure and anticipation that transforms your mornings into a time of self-nurturing and preparation.

20 Have an at-home spa day

Transform your home into a haven of relaxation by indulging in an at-home spa day. Use pampering skincare products, soothing music and aromatic candles to create a spa-like atmosphere.  You could extend the spa day to include meditation or gentle yoga, enhancing both your physical and mental well-being.

Simple Bucket List Ideas to do at Home

Whether you are a stay-at-home mum, work remotely or simply find yourself spending a significant amount of time at home, these home bucket list ideas are designed to inject excitement and fulfillment into your home environment.

21 Start an herb garden

Infuse your home and cooking with fresh scents and flavours by starting an herb garden.  Experiment with different herb combinations, adding a touch of homegrown goodness to your meals.

22 Pick flowers from your garden

Arranging fresh blooms not only enhances your living space aesthetically but also brings some of the energy of the outdoors inside.  Consider creating different floral arrangements for each room, allowing you to appreciate the varied colours and fragrances throughout your home.

23 Have a go at growing your own food

Try your hand at growing your own food. Whether you start by growing a few plants on a windowsill or commit to a full vegetable garden, cultivating your own produce can be such a rewarding thing to do.

24 Declutter your home

Decluttering your home will create a much more serene and organised living space.  The clutter-free environment not only promotes mental clarity but also allows you to appreciate and enjoy your living space more fully.

25 Create a picture wall

Personalise your living space by creating a picture wall filled with cherished memories. This visual timeline will add a sentimental touch to your home, making you feel happy whenever you look at it. You could also update the pictures periodically so that your picture wall captures new moments.

26 Set up a cozy corner to retreat to

Carve out a cozy corner in your home where you can retreat for moments of relaxation and self-reflection. Fill the space with comfortable furnishings, soft textiles and items that bring you joy.  Then use this cozy retreat for activities like reading, journaling or practicing mindfulness.

27 Learn some basic DIY

Learning some basic DIY skills will empower you to improve and personalise your home.  Simple tasks like painting a room, fixing a leaky tap or assembling furniture will boost your confidence and save you money on household repairs.

28 Look at the local wildlife from your window

No matter the weather, you can still connect with nature by watching local wildlife from the comfort of your home. Set up a bird feeder or create a small garden that attracts butterflies to provide a daily dose of natural beauty.

29 Make your entranceway welcoming

Create a positive first impression by making the entranceway to your home more welcoming. You could add potted plants, a nice doormat or any other decorative elements that reflect your personality. Taking pride in your entranceway in this way, not only welcomes guests, but will also put a smile on your face every time you enter your home.

30 Decorate your home for the season

Embrace the season by decorating your home accordingly. Whether it is warm hues for autumn, festive decor for the holidays or bright and airy touches for spring, seasonal decorations are a lovely addition to your home.  You could also involve your children in the decorating process, making it a shared tradition that brings a sense of anticipation for the different seasons throughout the year.


Decorate your home with seasonal flowers

Best Bucket List Ideas for Hobbies

Do you have a hobby? For many mums with young children, hobbies have to take a backseat in favour of the many demands of parenthood. However, finding time for activities that bring joy and a sense of personal fulfilment is important.  Reconnect with yourself by revisiting hobbies that may have been temporarily set aside, and soon, you’ll rediscover the things you did BC (before children)!

31 Read a classic

Curling up with a classic novel is like sitting with an old friend. The act of getting lost in a familiar story not only offers a mental escape but also strengthens your passion for reading.

32 Complete a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle

Challenge your mind and unwind simultaneously by completing a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle. Consider framing the puzzle once complete to turn it into a piece of art. 

33 Make something out of origami

I love origami and encourage you to explore the art of paper folding, too.  Creating intricate shapes and figures not only engages your creativity but also offers a calming and meditative activity.

34 Learn to sew or crochet

Tap into your creative side by learning to sew or crochet. The satisfaction of crafting something with your hands will make you feel a sense of accomplishment and provides a great way to express yourself.  Start by working on simple sewing or crochet projects.  Then you can gradually advance to more complex projects as you gain more confidence.

35 Have a go at guided meditation

Prioritise your mental well-being by incorporating a guided meditation into your daily routine. This practice not only promotes relaxation but also helps to cultivate mindfulness.  Try some different meditation apps or online resources to find a guided session that works best for you and your current needs.

36 Learn a musical instrument

Whether you are starting from scratch or revisiting your musical aspirations, learning to play an instrument can be very rewarding.  Whether it is the guitar, piano or any other instrument, the joy of playing music will add a new option for your free time.

37 Hand write a letter to your best friend

Rediscover the lost art of writing a lovely letter to your best friend. The act of writing allows you to express yourself and strengthen the connection between the two of you.  So, surprise your friend with a thoughtfully written letter as an expression of your friendship.

38 Do a crossword or sudoku

Exercise your brain by having a go at a crossword puzzles or Sudoku. I love a mental challenge like this because it not only uses your cognitive skills but also provides a satisfying sense of accomplishment upon completion!

39 Build an adult Lego set

Rekindle your joy of building by tackling an adult Lego set!  There are so many cool designs to choose from and the attention to detail will give you a creative outlet. Put your completed Lego set on display somewhere for a unique conversation starter that reflects your playful and creative side!

40 Write a poem

Nurture your poetic side by writing a poem. You could use it as a way to express your emotions, reflect on life or write something amusing. Keep your work in a dedicated notebook to track your progress and development.

Small Bucket List Ideas for Personal Development and Growth

Engaging in exciting activities can often serve a dual purpose, enhancing both your personal development and your enjoyment. Embrace these small yet impactful bucket list ideas to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth…

41 Learn a new skill by watching a YouTube video

There is a wealth of knowledge available online so make the most of it by learning a new skill through YouTube tutorials. You could learn anything from cooking or photography to coding.  The fact that the online tutorials are so quick and easy to access means that you can work on your new skill set at your own pace.  Once you have watched the videos, challenge yourself to apply the newly acquired skills in a practical way as this will help to reinforce your learning and boost your confidence in your abilities.

42 Create a nice-to-do list of things to do in your free time

Create a sense of intentionality and mindfulness for your free time by creating a ‘nice-to-do’ list of activities. These can be simple pleasures or more meaningful pursuits that bring happiness and fulfillment to your life. You could then schedule regular time to indulge in these activities or just refer to them whenever you have some free moments.

43 Learn a foreign language

I find languages fascinating and love immersing myself in a new culture by learning one. Whether you choose to learn through a language app, an online course or a local class, acquiring language skills opens doors to new opportunities and perspectives.

44 Start to keep track of your goals, both personal goals and professional goals

Take a proactive approach to your personal and professional growth by keeping track of your goals. You could do this in a number of ways, such as through journaling, using goal-setting apps or by creating a vision board. Make a note to regularly review and reassess your goals so that you can celebrate your wins or adjust your goals to reflect any changes in your priorities.

45 Push yourself out of your comfort zone by confronting a fear eg public speaking

Embrace growth and resilience by confronting a fear that holds you back. Step outside your comfort zone to experience more personal empowerment and self-confidence. Try seeking support from friends or support groups as you try something different and remember that growth often occurs in moments of discomfort.

46 Find out about a different country – learn about this new culture and study their way of life

Expand your cultural knowledge and global awareness by exploring the customs and traditions of a different country. Do some research, watch documentaries or take a virtual tour to gain an appreciation of other cultures and ways of life.

47 Write a travel bucket list capturing all your travel ideas

Feed your sense of adventure by compiling a travel bucket list!  Try to include destinations, experiences and activities that inspire you, simply allowing your imagination to wander.  Don’t worry if they are not in budget yet or are too far away, just set your excitement free and work on achieving them later.

48 Make a list of career goals and aspirations

Take ownership of your professional journey by setting clear career goals and aspirations. Start by reflecting on your passions, strengths and values to define where you want to go.  This will inform your long-term vision for success. Then, seek mentorship or find the necessary resources to follow your chosen career path.

49 Pass on a unique skill to future generations

Make the most of your talents and experiences by passing on a unique skill to future generations. It could be a family recipe, a craft technique or a cultural tradition.  Whatever it is, invite family members to learn or volunteer in your community to share and practice the skill together.  This will ensure the preservation of these cherished traditions for years to come.

50 Understand your strengths and weaknesses

Work on your self-awareness and personal growth by understanding your strengths and weaknesses. Reflect on past experiences, take feedback from others and use self-assessment tools to gain an insight into your unique qualities and also any areas for improvement.


Journaling your strengths and weaknesses

Easy Bucket List Ideas for Everyday Life

While your daily routine often keeps you indoors, it is important to venture out and explore the world around you, too. Here are some simple things that you can do to infuse your everyday life with excitement and adventure…

51 Try a new coffee shop

Treat yourself to a change of scenery by trying a new coffee shop in your area. Sample different brews and indulge in a sweet treat while immersing yourself in the cosy ambiance of these new places.

52 Take a different route on the school run

Add some spontaneity into your daily routine by taking a different route on the school run.  Explore unfamiliar streets or take a scenic detour to change an otherwise mundane journey into a mini adventure!

53 Take a mini road trip around your local area

Go on a mini road trip to discover hidden gems and scenic spots in your local area. Pack a picnic, roll down the windows and let the open road lead you to unexpected adventures!

54 Be a tourist in your own city, town or village

Take a fresh look at your own city, town or village by exploring it as if you were a tourist. Visit the iconic landmarks, museums or historical sites that you may otherwise overlook in your daily life.  Capture the memories of your adventure through photography or journaling, documenting your discoveries and newfound appreciation for your hometown’s charm.

55 Go for a picnic

Reconnect with nature and enjoy a leisurely meal outdoors by going for a picnic. Pack a basket with your favourite food and drink, then find a picturesque spot to spread out a blanket.  Bring along games or a good book to enjoy after your meal, prolonging the relaxation and enjoyment of your outdoor excursion.

56 Walk in the countryside

Immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature by taking a leisurely walk in the countryside. Explore scenic trails, breathe in the fresh air and tune in to the sights and sounds of the natural world.  Engage your senses by watching wildlife, identifying different plants and listening to the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. This will help you to develop a deeper connection with your environment.

57 Go for a walk in the rain

Enjoy the beauty of nature’s elements by going for a walk in the rain!  Put on your raincoat and boots, and experience the invigorating feeling of raindrops on your face.  Allow yourself to be fully present in the moment, appreciating the cleansing and rejuvenating power of a stroll on a rainy day.

58 Go foraging

Connect with the natural world and explore your surroundings by going foraging. Look out for edible treasures like blackberries, wild herbs or mushrooms, just be sure to do this safely.  Educate yourself about sustainable foraging practices and any local regulations to ensure you are harvesting responsibly and show respect for the environment.

59 Donate to a local food bank

Spread kindness and make a difference in your community by donating to a local food bank. Gather together some non-perishable food items or essential supplies and drop them off at a collection point or food distribution centre.  To take this one step further, you could see what volunteer work there is at the food bank.  Offer your time and support to help those in need.

60 Watch a sunrise / sunset

Revel in the beauty of nature’s daily spectacle by watching a sunrise or sunset. Find a good place to watch, maybe on a hilltop, beach or rooftop terrace to see the breathtaking colours. Allow the moment to inspire gratitude and mindfulness, setting a peaceful tone for the day ahead or a restful night’s sleep.

Fun Bucket List Ideas

Inject a dose of excitement and spontaneity into your life with these fun ideas that promise laughter, connection and unforgettable moments.

61 Make a list of things you could do with your children after school to break the norm

Brainstorm a list of after-school activities to do with your children that break away from their usual routine. This list of fun things could include anything from an impromptu dance party to backyard treasure hunts, let your imagination run wild.  Involve your children in the brainstorming process, encouraging them to contribute their ideas as well.

62 Reconnect with someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time through social media

Reach out to an old friend or acquaintance through social media that you haven’t spoken to in ages.  It can feel like a difficult thing to do after so much time has passed, but take the initiative to send a short message or reminisce about shared memories.

63 Arrange a get together with your closest friends

It is always fun to have a get-together with your closest friends.  Organise a casual barbecue or a themed dinner party and encourage guests to bring a dish or activity to contribute to the gathering.  This will create a great experience for you to enjoy together.

64 Make a list of experiences you’d like to put on your Christmas list

Infuse your holiday season with excitement by curating a list of experiences that you would like to receive as gifts. From cooking classes to concert tickets, prioritise experiences that align with your interests.  Share your wishlist with loved ones, so that you receive meaningful gifts this year, that prioritise moments and memories over material possessions.

65 Find the answers to all the random questions you have

Satiate your curiosity and expand your knowledge by starting a quest to find the answers to all the random questions that rattle around in your head!  Do some online research or speak to experts to get the answers you need.

66 Start a new family tradition

Family traditions are important so work on strengthening your family bonds by starting a new one. It could be a weekly game night, monthly outdoor adventure or annual holiday ritual.  Anything to cherish the moments of togetherness and connection.  Ideally, you would involve all family members in brainstorming and planning the new tradition, ensuring that it reflects the interests and values of everyone involved.

67 Do a random act of kindness

Spread some positivity and make a difference in someone’s day by performing a random act of kindness. Whether you pay for a stranger’s coffee or leave a kind note for a neighbour, take the opportunity to brighten someone’s day!  Perhaps you could challenge yourself to perform one act of kindness each day so that it becomes a habit and inspires others to pay it forward too.

68 Learn to juggle

Unleash your inner circus performer and master the art of juggling. Start with simple objects like scarves or balls, then as you gradually hone your skills you can progress to juggle multiple items.  Use juggling as a fun and impressive party trick or as a stress-relieving activity to boost hand-eye coordination and focus.

69 Invite friends around for a barbecue

Create cherished memories and simultaneously indulge in delicious food by hosting a barbecue for friends. Fire up the grill, savour the aroma of sizzling meats and veggies, and enjoy quality time spent in the company of your besties. You can elevate the barbecue experience with themed decorations, signature cocktails and interactive activities like lawn games or karaoke.

70 Indulge in a guilty pleasure

Treat yourself to a guilt-free indulgence that brings you joy and relaxation!  I’m thinking binge-watching your favourite TV series, indulging in decadent desserts or pampering yourself with a self-care spa evening.  Give in to the moment fully, savouring every bite or episode. 


Soaking feet as a guilty pleasure

Cool Bucket List Ideas about History

Delving into the past not only brings back cherished memories but also offers rich inspiration for your bucket list adventures. Here are some nostalgic ideas to ignite your imagination and transport you back in time…

71 Explore your family tree

Go on a journey of self-discovery by delving into your family history and tracing your lineage. Uncover the stories that shape your identity and give you a deeper connection to your roots.  Talk with relatives or genealogy experts to piece together the puzzle of your family tree and preserve the legacy for generations to come.

72 Look back at old photos

Take a stroll down memory lane by revisiting old photographs.  Reflect on happy memories and relive past adventures.  You could even organise a photo-sharing session with family or friends, swapping stories and anecdotes associated with each snapshot.  This is not only fun but will strengthen your bonds as you reminisce.

73 Make a retrospective time capsule of things from your childhood

Capture the essence of your childhood by creating a retrospective time capsule filled with mementos and treasures from the past. Gather together meaningful items like toys, school projects and trinkets that evoke fond memories and sum up your formative years.

74 Recreate an old photograph

Pay homage to the past by recreating a beloved photograph from your childhood or past. Respect the nostalgia of the original image while adding a contemporary twist that reflects your present-day perspective.  You could choose a photo that features family members or friends to involve them in the recreation process, too.

75 Rewatch old home movies

Transport yourself back in time by revisiting old home movies that have captured precious moments. Relish the sights and sounds of the past as you relive the experiences and celebrate the passage of time.  You could even host a movie night, sharing popcorn and laughter as you reminisce about the antics captured in these film.  This will hopefully create more memories in the process!

76 Create a scrapbook of old family recipes

Preserve culinary traditions and your family heritage by compiling a scrapbook of old family recipes passed down through generations. Gather all of the recipes handwritten on faded index cards or scraps of paper to include.  Then, have a go at  making these recipes in your own kitchen, adding your own twists while preserving the flavours and traditions that define your family’s heritage.

77 Read up on the history of your home town

Deepen your appreciation for the area you grew up in by immersing yourself in the history of your home town. Explore local archives, museums and historical landmarks to find out more and gain a sense of pride and connection to the place you call or called home.

78 Indulge in nostalgic films from your childhood

Revisit the classic films from your childhood that bring back happy feelings. Curl up with a cozy blanket and watch those brilliant films that transport you back to simpler times.  Consider hosting a movie night with friends or family, remembering the inside jokes inspired by iconic scenes!

79 Make a playlist of your favourite songs growing up

Create a musical playlist of all your favourite songs from your formative years. Let the melodies and lyrics bring back memories of milestones, friendships and emotions that shaped your journey.

80 Deep dive into a relative’s life

Honour the legacies of your ancestors by diving deeply into the life story of a relative who has left a lasting impact on your family history.  Explore old records, letters and oral histories to piece together their journey and contributions.  Pay tribute to their memory by documenting their life story to ensure that their stories continue to inspire your family.

Easy Bucket List Ideas to do with Family

While this simple bucket list offers plenty of solo suggestions, there is immense joy in experiencing activities with our families. Strengthen bonds and create lasting memories with these delightful ideas…

81 Have a board games night once a month

Share quality time together with a monthly board games night. Gather your favourite games, from old classics to modern favourites, and enjoy hours of fun.  Rotate who gets to choose the games each month to ensure everyone gets a turn and add some variety to your game nights.

82 Go on a family bike ride

Enjoy the great outdoors by getting active as a family with a leisurely bike ride. Explore the surrounding area or local parks, to breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the freedom of cycling together.

83 Do some hand print art

Get creative and capture precious memories with handprint art projects. Use non-toxic paint to make handprint keepsakes on canvas or paper.  Then, frame the art or incorporate it into DIY gifts for relatives.

84 Make friendship bracelets

This is a fun way to strengthen sibling bonds or encourage friendships. Explore different patterns, techniques and colour combinations to express individuality and creativity.

85 Camp in the living room

Transform your living room into a cozy campground for an indoor camping adventure. Pitch a makeshift tent or build a blanket fort, complete with sleeping bags, flashlights and campfire snacks.  Share campfire stories, play flashlight tag and stargaze from the comfort of your living room.  This is a great activity to do in school holidays when you don’t have a set time to be up the next morning.

86 Make a summer bucket list together

Kick off the summer season by creating a summer bucket list as a family. Brainstorm activities and outings that you would like to experience together and compile them into a shared list.  When you are finished, display the summer bucket list prominently in your home to serve as a visual reminder for the season ahead.

87 Invite extended family for a quiz night

Strengthen family bonds across generations with a fun-filled quiz night featuring questions tailored to all ages. Customise the quiz categories to include family trivia, pop culture, and general knowledge, ensuring everyone feels included and engaged in the competition.

88 Make toys together

Enjoy a creative afternoon having a DIY toy-making session as a family. Use recycled materials or craft supplies to design and build any toys you like.  From cardboard forts to sock puppets, use your imagination and resourcefulness to create something unique and special.  Afterwards, you can play with the homemade toys together, enjoying hours of imaginative play.

89 Investigate the history of your surname

Uncover your family’s heritage by delving into the history of your surname.  My children had to do this for a school project and it is great fun to research the ancestral origins and piecing together your family’s unique story.

90 Find your family crest / coat of arms

Embrace your family’s heraldic history by researching and discovering your family crest or coat of arms. Explore the symbolism and design elements to uncover the meaning behind your family’s ancestral emblem.  You could later incorporate your family crest or coat of arms into personalised artwork, stationery or home decor to honour your heritage.

Simple Bucket List Ideas for the Future

Just as reminiscing sparks inspiration, looking ahead to the future holds endless possibilities.  Explore these forward-thinking suggestions to enrich your journey…

91 Set up a notebook to record new life experiences

Capture special moments by dedicating a notebook to record new life experiences. Document your adventures, insights and reflections in one place so that you can easily revisit and cherish them.  You could also personalise your notebook with inspirational quotes, photos and mementos to make it extra special.

92 Plan your perfect day

Manifest your ideal day by planning a personalised itinerary that reflects your passions and priorities. Choose each detail, from morning rituals to evening relaxation, and set intentions to bring your dream day into reality.

93 Choose a new habit to adopt

Improve your well-being by intentionally choosing a new habit to adopt. Whether it is practicing gratitude, mindfulness or daily exercise, commit to integrating some positive behaviours into your daily routine.  Start small and set achievable goals, gradually building momentum as you start to see the positive impact it is having on your life.

94 Create a capsule wardrobe

Simplify your wardrobe and streamline your style with a capsule wardrobe for each season. Select pieces that mix and match easily to create countless outfit combinations.  It is best to invest in high-quality pieces, where you can, as well as timeless essentials that withstand faddy trends.

95 Put together a self care kit for the car

Prioritise self-care on the go by assembling a personalised self-care kit for your car. Include comforting essentials like soothing hand cream, aromatherapy rollers and healthy snacks to nourish your body and spirit.  You could also incorporate mindfulness practices such as guided meditation audios or affirmation cards to create moments of calm during your daily commute or travels.

96 Think of something fun to do on your birthday

Celebrate your special day with intention by brainstorming fun and meaningful activities to enjoy on your birthday. Whether it is trying a new hobby, indulging in a spa day or embarking on a mini adventure, prioritise fun and self-indulgence.

97 Do something just for you

Honour your needs and desires by carving out time to do something just for you.  You could pursue a passion project, indulge in a favourite hobby or simply enjoy some quiet time in nature.  Whatever you choose, communicate your need for some solo time to recharge and replenish your energy reserves.

98 Work on your mindset

Prioritise your mental well-being by committing to work on your mindset. Challenge limiting beliefs, practice thinking positively and embrace a growth mindset.

99 Make a 5 year plan

Think ahead to your future by creating a comprehensive 5-year plan that aligns with your list of goals and aspirations. Outline the actionable steps, milestones and timelines to turn your dreams into reality.  Then, regularly review and adjust your 5-year plan as circumstances evolve and priorities shift.  It helps to remain adaptable and resilient when you are in pursuit of your long-term aspirations as things change.

100 Create a vision board

Manifest your dreams into reality by creating a vision board that visualises your ideal life. Gather images, quotes and affirmations that inspire and motivate you so that you can form a powerful visual representation of your desires.  Then, display your vision board in a prominent place where you can see it daily.  This will allow its positive energy to fuel your actions as you work towards creating your best life.


Final thoughts on simple bucket list ideas for everyday life

I hope you have found these bucket list items helpful and they serve as inspiration for you to create your own bucket list.

What favourite bucket list ideas will you try first?

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100 simple bucket list ideas for everyday life