Hi there!
I’m Lisa

I would love to help you to get organised and simplify your day so that you have more energy for the things you want to do and achieve.

My Story

I am a married, Mum of two and my superpower is being organised!

As a child, I couldn’t wait to get my first diary to be like my Mum and in senior school I drew up neat, colour-coded homework timetables.  I even read Economics at university which is the study of how people (from governments down to the individual) allocate their scarce resources such as time and money.


So to say I have a passion for planning, time management, productivity and organisation is probably an understatement!


Later, I meticulously planned my wedding and when I was expecting my first child I was prepared and ready for the new adventure.  That was until my baby was two weeks late, the 12 hour text book labour turned into a 44 hour onslaught and my little new born was so tired from it all that she wouldn’t feed!  Well, as any new mum will know, babies don’t follow your neat timetable – you follow theirs! I was totally in love but lacked energy, felt overwhelmed with how much I had to do and had no time for me anymore.


But, the craziness doesn’t stop there as just as you are getting to grips with a baby, you get a toddler and then a preschooler.


Each new stage of life brings its own challenges, obstacles and hurdles that we have to get on top of. More balls that we have to juggle and plates to keep spinning. Motherhood is one of life’s most rewarding roles but it’s easy to feel worn out and lose your sparkle.


So, if you go to bed each night wondering what you did that day, feel overwhelmed and have too few hours in the day then I hear you. I felt that way too (and still do sometimes!) and I’m pleased to say that, on the whole, it doesn’t have to be like that.


I have gradually learnt ways to cope with the demands of motherhood and life in general.  This begins with looking after yourself, first and foremost, and progresses to increase your productivity, learning to manage your mindset and then working towards personal growth.  I am here for you to share all I have learnt and show you the way to being a Woman Who Wins At Life.

My Mission

My goal is to help you to make the most of each day through:

  • Self-care – Let’s increase your energy so that you tackle each day with enthusiasm 
  • Productivity – Let’s organise and simplify your life so that your days run smoothly
  • Managing your mindset – Let’s overcome overwhelm and gain more clarity
  • Personal growth – Let’s learn together and achieve your goals
  • Lifestyle – Let’s make everyday special so that you go to bed fulfilled
How to plan a stress-free Christmas